Shuki’s Samurai Sweep: Samurai Megazord (Power Rangers Samurai)

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Written Review: Bought from Toys R Us! Available at most major retailers for $29.99 and up! — Seeing as how I own the entire Shinkenger fleet, it seems sort of odd that I’d purchase this somewhat crappier versions. Despite resistance, my absolute love for Shinkenger, and the odd thrill I get of buying something new at a brick and mortar store won me over. That, and I had coupons, and thought this would make for a nice channel event. Everyday this week, I’ll be bringing you a new Samurai Megazord component. First up is the main Megazord, the Samurai Megazord. Composed of the Lion, Dragon, Bear, Ape, and Turtle Foldingzords, this acts as the base for all of the core Samurai Rangers formations. Despite differentiating quite a bit from the Japanese counterpart, the core toy remains rather fun. On with the review! Overall, it’s honestly not that bad. If you can look past the lack of Emblem Mode, the few missing paint details, and the new molding style, I can easily recommend this as a replacement for the often expensive Shinkenoh. Yes, the Dragon is gimpy, and some of the missing details are annoying, but once put together into the Samurai Megazord, most of the playability is still there, it can still combine with everything in one way or another, and all in all, it looks great on display. I’m a big fan of the streamlined Megazord look BoA has been doing, and despite the flaws, I honestly think the Samurai Megazord is a pretty nice buy, especially

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Power Ranger: Zeo Megazord

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I remember, many years ago, selling this figure at a yard sale to one of the neighborhood kids for ten dollars. At the time I really needed the money but looking back on things I wish that I didn’t sell it. Hell, I really wish that I didn’t sell any of my PR figures. It’s been well over 10 years since I sold the figure and I an so happy to have this guy back in my collection. Ever since I was a teen this Megazord has been one of my all time favorite toys. That’s right, I said it. One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE TOYS….EVER! This figure is a nice size Megazord with loads of play value and actual articulation. His shoulders, elbows and wrists all move. For a Megazord that is amazing. A major difference that this figure has over other Megazords is that there is a striking amount of cohesion amongst all it’s components. Separately they all possess a distinct level of individuality but combined they all form a nice cohesive whole that is very pleasant to look at. on display. Another unique aspect are the helmets. Each component has a helmet that can be worn by the Megazord that grants a different ability and a completely new look. The helmets that are not in use are easily stored on the rear of the figure (except one). This is one of the finest Megazords ever. Between it’s great looks, wonderful play value and over sturdiness it deserves to have a place in your collection.

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